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Fall Foliage


Newsletter September 2022

Tip of the Month! 

Get Involved

Volunteer for an IACRN committee!

Chapter Governance Committee

Conference Planning Committee

1st Friday monthly at 10:30 am

Education Committee
3rd Wednesday monthly at
3:00 pm

Membership, Marketing and Communications

Partnership Committee

Research Committee

You can earn professional activity points by participating as a Board Member for IACRN 

It's Time to Renew your Boston-NE Chapter Membership!

In order to continue to receive the benefits of membership in the Boston-NE Chapter of the IACRN, please renew your membership! You must renew your membership in order to participate in the upcoming elections.


We've upgraded our website to accommodate online payments. You also have two payment options for membership renewal:

  1. A one-time payment to renew your membership for the 2022-2023 year only (you will receive a notification next year when it is time to renew again)

  2. Automatic payments that will renew your membership each year. Automatic payments may be cancelled by email at anytime. 


Those who previously renewed their membership via our website (after September 2021) will receive an email when it is time to renew.


Questions? Email



Become a member of IACRN and the Boston-New England Chapter! 




Chapter dues only $25/year. 


Pay online! Annual and subscription now available

President's Message

Greetings to the Boston NE Chapter! I hope that you all have had the chance to enjoy some time off to enjoy the summer weather.  Now that Fall is just around the corner, the BNE Chapter is looking towards the election of new Board positions. This year, we have several open positions and are currently looking for candidates to join us – we will have two Member at Large positions, the President Elect position and the Treasurer positions to fill. It is a great time to get involved in the Chapter! Your involvement can help towards building your portfolio for Certification, but equally important is the opportunity to continue to build this great community of research nurses in the New England area. If you are interested in learning more about the positions, please contact Emily Clermont at  or Marisa Albert at to learn more.

Ann Connor 120919_0001 (2).jpg

It is also the time of year to renew your Membership. Starting last Fall, members were able to join directly through our website. There were a number of you who renewed or joined at that time, but several of you who had not yet had the opportunity to do so – you had renewed through our old PayPal account. For those of you who did join through the website, you should receive an automatic message to renew your membership at the time when your membership expires. For those of you who did not, you should have received an email inviting you to do so. Please reach out to us if you encounter any issues with this transition, if you have not received an email, or if you have any questions about the process.


As many of you know, the 14th Annual IACRN Conference in Atlanta, “Advancement in Clinical Research Nursing: Building Practice Excellence”, is fast approaching. The Conference will run from October 17th – 19th and is a great opportunity to hear from our colleagues around the country and world about their practice as Clinical Research Nurses. For further details, check out the IACRN website: . If you aren’t able to attend, we plan to have colleagues from our Chapter share their talks with us at the November Chapter meeting which is scheduled for November 3rd at 5:00 PM. We will share the election results at this time as well.


As always, we would love to hear from you regarding ways that we can continue to grow this Chapter and are always happy to welcome your involvement. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at .


Best wishes,

Ann Connor

CRN Certification
Upcoming Portfolio Deadlines

NE-IACRN Upcoming Elections

Interesting in joining the team?


Boston NE IACRN elections are coming up in October for the following open positions:


  • President-Elect

  • Member-at-Large (two positions)

  • Treasurer 


Elections will take place in October with new positions assumed in January.


Please reach out if you would like to learn more! Our current board members would be happy to meet with you about the available positions.

Save the Date


Certification Portfolio Deadline 



Annual IACRN Conference – Atlanta, GA



November Chapter Meeting 

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