COVID-19 Research in the Center for Virology & Vaccine Research: Lessons Learned
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented research worldwide and has highlighted the importance and challenges of pandemic research and for clinical research nurses.

This webinar will present a review of COVID-19 clinical trials conducted by the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research (CVVR) department at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). In addition, a discussion of lessons learned from these trials and on how the team adapted to the challenges of conducting clinical trials during a pandemic.
How to Receive Contact Hours for Nurse Attendees
· IACRN will be providing their members FREEcontact hours, non-IACRN members can purchase contact hours for $10.
· After the webinar, nurses will receive an email outlining the instructions to complete the evaluation and receive the contact hours.
· To receive full contact-hour credit (one contact hour) for this CNE activity, you must be registered, attend at least 80% of the webinar, and complete an on-line evaluation.
This activity has been submitted to the Ohio Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The Ohio Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)