Dear IACRN Boston/New England Chapter members,
I’m writing as Past President of IACRN and founding member of the Boston/NE Chapter to thank you for your strong chapter presence throughout the past several years. Chapters and our membership are what sustains IACRN and will determine our strength and credibility as the “Voice of Research Nursing” around the world. I’m so incredibly proud that the Boston/NE Chapter has had a major role in advancing IACRN over the past decade. We have had a role in leadership both directly and indirectly with IACRN since its inception. Some examples: There have been 3 IACRN Presidencies from Boston/NE, there has been at least 1 member of the Board from Boston/NE for the past 11 years (sometimes up to 3 at a time!), Boston/NE was the first chapter for IACRN and continues to be one of the most successful across the world.
With this message I encourage you to think about ways that the Boston/NE Chapter can continue to provide this important input to IACRN globally going forward. Please continue to attend Boston/NE Chapter meetings, become involved in IACRN’s committees, think about running for a position for the Boston/NE chapter. I hear that there will be a few openings on the Board of the Boston/NE Chapter coming up. There’s nothing I’d like to see more than another IACRN President or other elected officers emerge from the Boston/NE Chapter. I’m sure it won’t be long before that vision becomes a reality!
Many thanks to all of you for making the Boston/NE Chapter successful! Ill see you (on zoom) at our next meeting on November 5th!
Mary E Larkin, MS, RN
Past President, IACRN and Boston/NE Chapter
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