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Newsletter September / October 2023 -
                              BNE 10th anniversary edition
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President's Message
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CRN Certification
Upcoming Portfolio Deadlines


Greetings to the BNE Chapter! I hope that you all have had the chance to take some time this summer to relax and refresh. As hard as it is to believe, Fall is approaching which means that the BNE Chapter is looking towards the election of 2024 Board positions. This year, we have the Secretary Position and a Member-at-Large position open for nominations. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, please contact Emily Clermont at Joining the Board is a great opportunity to get involved in the Chapter! Your involvement can help towards building your portfolio for Certification, but equally important is the opportunity to continue to build this great community of research nurses in the New England area.


It is also the time of year for many of you to renew your Membership. In the Fall of 2021, we started inviting our members to join directly through our website. Since then, new members and those of you who are renewing your membership, are all joining and renewing on the website. Moving forward, you should receive an automatic message to renew your membership at the time of expiration. Keep in mind that those of you who set up automatic renewal will not receive any communication about this. If you are unsure of your status, please see below for a link to some helpful sides that help walk you through checking your status on the website. Please let us know if you encounter any issues or if you have any questions about the process.


As promised, we have been working hard to add additional educational opportunities. In September, we held a very successful and interesting presentation titled, “A Clinical Research Nurse’s Impact on the conduct of Decentralized Clinical Trials”. We all know that DCTs are growing in number and are likely to continue to do so. This was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about this approach and how important our voice is as these trials are designed and launched. We look forward to inviting you to our next presentation taking place this fall!


As many of you know, the 15th Annual IACRN Conference in Philadelphia, “Advancement in Clinical Research Nursing: Building Practice Excellence 2023”, is fast approaching. The Conference will run from October 16th – 18th and is a great opportunity to hear from our colleagues around the country and world about their practice as Clinical Research Nurses. For further details, check out the IACRN website: . If you aren’t able to attend, we plan to have colleagues from our Chapter share their talks with us at the November Chapter meeting which is scheduled for November 9th at 5:00 PM. We will share the election results at this time as well.


As always, we would love to hear from you regarding ways that we can continue to grow this Chapter and are always happy to welcome your involvement. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at .


Best wishes,



Celebrating 10 years of
Boston-New England IACRN!

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the BNE chapter, we are featuring a Founding Member Spotlight in our 2023 newsletters!  

Read on to see how our founders reflect on their journey as a CRN and their involvement with IACRN.
Amy Sbrolla, RN, BSN, ACRN

What IACRN project are you most proud of participating in?


On a chapter level, I am so honored to have played a role in establishing the Boston/New England Chapter of IACRN—the first chapter of the organization.  The full story has been shared several times but having a spark of an idea over cocktails and sweet potato fries turn into an active chapter that is still growing after more than 10 years is extremely gratifying.

On an IACRN level, helping to plan and organize the annual conference in Boston in 2014 was a lot of work but also a lot of fun!

Why/how did you choose a role in Clinical Research Nursing?

I would say I “fell into” clinical research rather than choosing it.  A career in clinical research was never on my radar—the possibility was barely touched upon as an option during my nursing education.   However, early in my career, I worked as a nurse on an HIV/AIDS inpatient specialty unit. Many of my patients were enrolled in different clinical trials studying new therapies for HIV and this gave me the chance to learn more about the clinical research process.  Still, at the time, I was not convinced that working in research would ever be something for me. A few years later, when I learned of a CRN position working with a large HIV/AIDS clinical research network I decided to give it a try to see if I liked it. The rest is history!



What advice do you have for someone who is new to the CRN role?

The simple (but not always so fun) advice I give to anyone starting out a role in clinical research is Always Read the Protocol!


Thank you to Amy
and all of our participants in the
Founding Member Spotlights!

Save the Date

IACRN 15th Anniversary Annual Conference

BNE Chapter Meeting 
November 9, 2023 5:00 Zoom link to follow

Hope to see you there!

We asked...

Earlier this year we sent a poll to our members to get your opinions on how the BNE chapter can best support your CRN professional development. 

You responded...

The results are in!

Here are the opportunities that our members most want:


Medical Worker
Video Consultation
Business Presentation
Giving a Presentation


interesting articles & important news



Contact hour 


Presentation &



We listened!

BNE leadership is invested in developing innovative ways to engage our members through educational and career development opportunities.


We are expanding existing programs and implementing new ones with the goal of reaching CRNs in a wide range of practice areas across the New England region.









IACRN BNE members and interested non-members can look forward to programs on the themes of:



Blood Test
Analyzing Scans
A presentation at the office
Preparation for Blood Test

Best practices 

for CRNs



Advancing your CRN career

Application of regulatory topics to the CRN role

To stay up-to-date on all of our latest offerings,
And look in your inbox for links to registrations for our exciting events!
It May Be Time to Renew your Boston-NE Chapter Membership!
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