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Review our nominees and cast your vote!

Please note you must be logged in to your Boston NE Chapter account as a member to cast your vote. Voting may be submitted just below the nominees descriptions below.

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Catriona Grant, MSN, RN

Candidate for President Elect

I am an active member of the MGH CRN Collaborative, a group that aims to connect and empower CRNs at MGH by facilitating collaboration and integration with the greater MGH community. For the past 3 years, I have had the privilege of serving as co-chair of the MGH CRN Collaborative, working alongside members of an advisory team to advance mentorship, collaboration, and education initiatives for MGH CRNs. In this role, I have had the opportunity to work together with Boston New England Chapter leadership to plan Clinical Research Nurse Meetings in 2020, 2021, and 2022.


I am interested in pursuing new opportunities that are focused on promoting and supporting the CRN role. I look forward to the possibility of utilizing my experience in a new capacity and learning from my fellow CRN colleagues. I would be honored to contribute to IACRN’s mission of defining, validating and advancing the specialty practice of clinical research nursing in the role of President Elect of the Boston New England Chapter.  Thank you for your consideration of my nomination.



Catherine Dempsey, BSN

Candidate for Treasurer

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy for Treasurer of the Boston-New England Chapter of the IACRN. I served on the board as Member At Large for the 2021-2022 year and am looking forward to serving as Treasurer for the upcoming term. In my role as Member At Large this year, I assisted with financial reporting and membership dues for the chapter. As Treasurer, I will work to streamline our financial reporting and documentation processes. 


Professionally, I am a research nurse and project manager in the Clinical Research Operations Center at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). Prior to clinical research, I worked as a pediatric hematology-oncology nurse in Miami, FL. I came to nursing as a second career, after working in secondary science education for more than 5 years. 


Lacy Coviello, RN, BSN

Candidate for Member At Large

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy for the IACRN Member-at-Large position. IACRN’s vision that clinical research is strengthened through the specialized CRN nursing role is a concept that deeply resonates with me and drew my initial attention to the organization. Working in 2019as a Research Nurse with only a few years of nursing practice but over 10 years of professional research experience, I witnessed the compromise of clinical trials integrity and patient safety due to colleagues’ lack of research-specific nursing education and training. The educational materials available through the IACRN website became valuable tools as I created and implemented staff education initiatives mindful of the IACRN mission of defining and validating the CRN role and supporting professional progression. On considering how to cultivate interest in Research Nursing as a profession and advancing the role as a specialty, an interest of mine is increasing the visibility of IACRN to student nurses, new graduates, and nurses changing career directions. Remembering back to when I was contemplating either clinical research or nursing as a career, I recall a lack of awareness that the two were not mutually exclusive. Years later as a Clinical Lab Instructor, few of my nursing students knew that a CRN’s role existed but after providing them with insights into the profession three former students have made Clinical Research Nursing their career path. IACRN could be uniquely positioned for outreach toward increasing brand awareness and growing the organization with an eye toward growth of the CRN profession. The opportunity to contribute to the four strategic initiatives for 2022-2024 as a Member-at-Large would allow me to use my Research Nursing and Nurse Educator background on a variety of projects. As a member of IACRN, I participated this year in reviewing abstracts and in meetings of the National Education Committee, which cemented my interest in running for this position. As a Member-at-Large, I would like to gain more insight into the specific barriers to organizational growth overcome these obstacles by collaborating with diverse committees to implement and assess strategies consistent with IACRN’s mission. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Catriona Grant, MSN, RN
Catherine Dempsey, BSN, RN

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Lacy Coviello, BA, RN 

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