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Review our nominees and cast your vote!

Please note you must be logged in to your Boston NE Chapter account as a member to cast your vote. Voting may be submitted just below the nominees descriptions below.

President Elect

Cameron Sze, BSN, RN

Cameron Sze is a Clinical Nurse Educator at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. She has been in this position for 4 years and worked as a Clinical Research Nurse in the Early Drug Development Center starting in 2012. Cameron has worked on phase 1-4 trials throughout her career and in her current role is responsible for the research nursing new hire orientation, research nursing curriculum and research track of the Registered Nurse Residency Program at Dana-Farber. 


Cameron has been an active member of IACRN since 2017, participating as a member of the Education Committee, Marketing Committee and most recently Secretary of the Boston-New England Chapter. She is the co-author of the Study Conduct and Participant Care Chapter of IACRNs Core Curriculum due to release this year.


I look forward to the opportunity to continue my support of IACRN and the Boston-New England Chapter in the President Elect position. This organization and its network of research nurses embodies my passion for the specialty practice of research nursing. I am excited to participate in the Chapters continued growth and development over the next several years.

Member at Large

Catherine Dempsey, BSN

Catherine Dempsey is a research nurse and project manager in the Clinical Research Operations Center at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). Her portfolio includes studies from nephrology, cardiology, surgery, infectious disease and nursing disciplines. Prior to clinical research, Catherine worked as a pediatric hematology-oncology nurse in Miami, FL. She came to nursing as a second career, after working in secondary science education for more than 5 years. As a Member at Large, Catherine looks forward to supporting the various projects and initiatives of the Boston-New England Chapter of IACRN.


Kerri Fournier, BSN, RN, CPN

Kerri Fournier is a project nurse manager for the Clinical Research Operations Center at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH).  She has been in this position for two years, has worked as a nurse at BCH for over 30 years and has extensive experience in infusion nursing.  Kerri has experience in managing both sponsor and investigator-initiated trials as well as designing, implementing, and completing her own nursing research.  Kerri serves on the hospital’s Dissemination Committee and is the Level II nursing representative on the Nursing Interprofessional Practice Council.  She is currently a mentee in the IACRN Leader Fellowship where she has been an active member of the Education Committee.  Past committee experience includes being co-chair of the Research Committee for the Association of Pediatric and Gastroenterology Nurses and Nutritionists.  

Cameron Sze, BSN, RN
Catherine Dempsey, BSN, RN
Kerri Fournier, BSN, RN, CPN

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